08 April 2010


Why is it important for students to post their work to blogs?

There are three main reasons why students should post their work online. One reason is for all the grandparents, parents, and siblings who are overseas fighting in a war or traveling and  and can not be present to see the progress of their family member.  This is a wonderful way to see their are projects and anything else that is being posted.  Another reason is for your teacher.  If they need to look at current projects or items from the past they can always view previous blog post.  And the last reason is that using blogs to post students work will give them more technology experience for the future.

"I'm a PC and I'm four and a half"


  1. I completely agree. Good post! I like your blog site, it reminded me that I need to get in gear and start posting my projects....oops! I liked your timelines, very well thought out.

  2. Kia Ora Penelope,
    Thanks for leaving Brandon a comment on his blog. I will show him your comment once school starts up again next week. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it. All the best for the rest of your studies.

    Miss Lavakula

  3. Three good reasons and the comment just above is a fourth: you make friends around the world.

  4. Yes, posting work to blogs not only connects us, but makes for better quality work in the long run.

  5. The picture above speaks volumes! There are so many reasons why blogging is an imporant tool
