I would definitely recommend this website to other teachers and students that did not know about it. As a future teacher I now plan on getting great use from this website. There are so many different features that could help me out for when I am in a jam with my class.
Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) –
This website contains useful information for high school students and teachers. There are plenty of test preparations for AP classes and graduation examinations, advance placement tests, and whether or not a text will be required for class. Not only does it have test guides, but also chemistry help. There is so much more on this site that can be utilized.
I do like the site. Even though I am not planning on teacher high school students, if I was then I would use this site to help them if I am not explaining something that they can understand; for example, chemistry. I would also inform teachers and students about using this site and the many ways that it can be helpful in the long run.
I posted in my blog that you and I had to research a similar type site for our podcast assignment and that we both agreed it was very useful. I also said I bet Penelope found this site (ALEX) useful as well. I was right. I, too, think it is a wonderful tool for teachers. I look forward to using it my teaching career. I can't believe how much information is available free for teachers. It is encouraging.
ReplyDeleteThis is a cool website. I am going to save this site for future use in pre-sequence. I hear some of our assignments will be to generate lesson plans, so thanks, Jennifer C.